Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Clapping and Waving!

Today, Max showed me his clapping skills. So cute! We can now work on pat-a-cake. This is a milestone that I have been looking forward to. Last week, Max started walking with a toy that he pushes along the way. I will have to video that because it is too precious. Max has been waving for a month now.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

10 months!

Max is cutting teeth left and right! We have had many late nights soothing the poor boy. He loves to pull himself up on just about anything. He loves the window seals, so more baby proofing for me. We had a great trip to Dallas. Max handled the new surroundings better than he ever has. Besides the cold we both caught, it was a pleasant trip seeing everyone. I can't believe his first birthday is approaching fast. I will let everyone know when the speed crawler figures out how to walk.