Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Happy Family

Busted! Caught in the act.

On Saturday, we went over Andy and Deanna's for a little photo shoot. Here is our little bundle of joy in the buff. Thanks Andy for the wonderful pictures.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Max's 2 week Doctor Appointment

Today, we went to the doctor for Max's 2 week check up. The doctor said he looked "perfect." We were thrilled to hear that. Mommy is super excited about the good news. Max also grew and gained weight. He is now 19.2 in and 6 lbs 3.5 oz.

Weekend visitors

This past weekend, we had one of Matt's cousins, Lucas, come by and meet Max. Auntie Angie came by on Sunday.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Deanna and Max

Max with his Godmother.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Max with Jojo

Play time

The very studious Max Stockton Holmes! He does not fuss when we put him in the bouncer seat. Thank you Ginger for letting us borrow all of your activity toys. It has been very helpful.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today, we went for our 1st walk around the neighborhood (Max, JoJo, Elena, and myself). Max is so tiny in his car seat.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Matt's aunt Debbie made us a beautiful quilt for Max.

Max's Godparents

Andy and Deanna came by today to see Max at home. Matt and I are honored to have them as Godparents. Max is tentatively scheduled to be baptized in June. It will be a wonderful celebration. Britton, who is my God baby, was also here. I can't believe she is already walking. She even climbed our stairs. She has grown so fast.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just Wanna Be Your Teddy Bear

I had to get some pictures with the bears we received in the hospital. You can see how small Max is.

Mother's Day Gift

My Mother's Day gift. I have been wanting this bag for years. I will treasure it. Thank you Matt for such a wonderful gift and a special day. This was also my "push prize." Matt thinks I made "push prize" up. Ladies, if you have received such a gift, will you please speak up?
I love you Matt!!!!

Tia JoAnna and Ethan have been so helpful this week. I have really enjoyed our time together. I can't wait for when Ethan and Max play together. Hearing Ethan explain life to Max will be so sweet.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Last night, the Detrie family came by to meet Max. It was a delight to have company over. We had a great time catching up and showing off our new baby boy. Carla made a wonderful lasagna that was so so tasty. They prepared us a meal and took care of Max while Matt and I sat down and enjoyed our dinner. Thank you Keith, Carla, Mario, and Alysia for coming by. It was such a treat for us. That is Matt practicing his football hold.

Max's 1st Bath at home

Matt and I bathed Max for the 1st time. Yes, that is a book of directions next to him. Elena stood by and watched.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sleepy Max

Here is Elena babysitting. She is very curious of him and very gentle. She has a little bit of jealousy though. I ran my first errand leaving Max with Matt last night. It was a fast trip, but I did cry a little on the way home. I was glad to see my boys.
Uncle Will and Ethan met Max. Baby switch. We had our first family dinner the night we took Max home.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Max was discharged today. His jaundice level dropped. Matt dressed him and put him in the car seat. We arrived home at about 11:30 am. It has been pretty calm so far at home. We are enjoying parenthood so far. Mitch and Elena have been doing really well with Max. They just stare at him through the bassinet. As far as how mom is doing... can you say SWOLLEN FEET! Wow! I can't wait for those to go back to normal.

Grandma Karen and Papa met Max on Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daddy is great at feeding and burping. I think these two guys will be big time pals.

Max got to hang out with Nan and Tia.

Thanks Beth for taking this picture. He loves his pacifier.
Max is getting stronger everyday. He has been really great eater. He has been in NICU since he was born due to his respiratory rate being too high. It was better by Monday, but they wanted to be very cautious with him. Matt and I went home yesterday, while Max continues to be monitored in NICU. We are already learning the art of scheduling and sharing duties. We will continue to visit Max in NICU while he recovers from a mild bit of jaundice.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank you all who came by and visited. Your support and encouragement was appreciated. Also, we received some beautiful flowers and gifts during our stay. Thank you all for showering us with those. They really made our room so cheery and cute.

He arrived! He waited until Sunday morning. Max was born May 2nd at 12:30 am. He weighed 5 lbs 9 oz and is 17.9 in. We are all doing well in the hospital.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

He's Coming!!!!

We checked into the hospital early this morning. My water broke, so they said we are not going home until Max arrives. We are now going through the process of dilating. Max will probably be here by the evening. I am hanging in there with all the contractions. Looking forward to meeting our son.